
Creating a Zeal docset from Sphinx documentation Using the pysam project documentation as an example. Create a directory for project: mkdir ~/Workspace/zeal/pysam cd ~/Workspace/zeal/pysam Create virtualenv, install latest release of pysam and doc2dash (for building docset): python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install …

Creating a Zeal docset from Sphinx documentation

Using the pysam project documentation as an example.

Create a directory for project:

mkdir ~/Workspace/zeal/pysam
cd ~/Workspace/zeal/pysam

Create virtualenv, install latest release of pysam and doc2dash (for building docset):

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install pysam doc2dash

Clone pysam repository, check out release corresponding to the PyPI version (pip show pysam):

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/pysam-developers/pysam/
cd pysam
git fetch --tags
git checkout v0.15.1

Build documentation:

cd doc
make SPHINXOPTS="-D html_theme_options.nosidebar=true" html
cd ../..

Generate docset:

doc2dash -n pysam -u https://pysam.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ pysam/doc/_build/html

Docset will be saved as pysam.docset.
