Underlines \underline{Text} A better approach Footnotes Within text, add a reference to the footnote item RiboPlot \ref{itm:riboplot} Then, add item to the footnote list at the end of the document...

KDE Plasma

Enable compose key in system settings This is useful when typing special characters like currency and typographic symbols like en dash, em dash etc., Open System Settings → Input Devices → Keyboard Click the Advanced tab (see screenshot below)...


Install Vue cli using Yarn: cd Programs yarn add @vue/cli Added Programs/node_modules/.bin/vue to PATH Create project: vue create vue-weather


Abbreviations Requires the Abbreviations extension. Include the expansion below the abbreviation. Using GPG as an example: *[GPG]: GNU Privacy Guard Images Syntax: ![alt text](/images/cover.png) With links Include syntax for image where link...

Web development

Insomnia REST client Installation on Ubuntu CSS Line numbers for code samples

 def print_hi(name)  puts "Hi, #{name}" end ...

Apt package manager

Apt is a package manager for Debian based distributions. Skip downloading translations To save bandwidth by not downloading package descriptions in languages other than English: echo 'Acquire::Languages "none";' | sudo tee...


Improve Quality of Recorded Audio Reference: How To Improve Voice Quality in Audacity 2020 by CasualSavage on YouTube Wind noise can be reduced using a High Pass filter Steps Remove noise Normalize...


Using s3cmd Reference Create a bucket aws s3 mb Copy file to bucket aws s3 cp "C:\users\my first backup.bak" Download file from bucket aws s3 cp...


Installation on Raspberry Pi 3 (Debian Stretch): echo 'deb stretch-backports main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list apt-get update apt-get install cockpit


Applying multiple tags to an image Reference You can apply the latest tag to a newly built image and add another tag that references a specific version. For example, to tag an image both as whenry/fedora-jboss:latest and whenry/fedora-jboss:v2.1,...


Install Golang on Ubuntu sudo apt install golang-go Set GOPATH Add to .bashrc: export GOPATH=~/.go Source .bashrc or open a new terminal window. Install Programs Shiori Bookmark Manager go get -u -v...


Ubuntu 18.04 on Wayland has no screen tearing issues. Noticed problems with xorg when maximising windows and performance was slow Steps to share folder with guest Reference Not working with CentOS 7 guest as there is no support for the 9p...

Logical Volume Management

Increasing storage space Note: These steps performed in a VirtualBox VM Shutdown VM, if it is running. From VirtualBox GUI, select VM -> Settings -> Storage. Select Controller: SATA -> click on the Adds hard disk button next to it. Select Create...


Lynis is a security auditing tool for Linux Repository: Installation Ubuntu 20.04 LTS The Lynis package is available in the repositories and can be installed using apt: sudo apt install lynis Ubuntu 18.04 LTS...


Pygments is a syntax highlighter for source code written in Python. An online demo is available. Generate default stylesheet pygmentize -S default -f html -a .highlight > default.css Generate SVG of source code pygmentize -f svg -l bash -O...


A CSS framework Installation Create a directory for the project: mkdir project && cd project Initialise project: npm init Use npm to install spectre: npm install spectre.css --save Links Compiling custom version


Disable or Enable packages using adb Reference Connect device using USB or WiFi. List installed packages: adb shell pm list packages Find the name of package to disable — usually of the form com.developer.appname. To disable package: adb shell pm...


Resources Build Native Mobile Apps with Flutter (Udacity) GitHub repository Disable analytics flutter config --no-analytics Change channel flutter channel beta flutter upgrade Build and release Reference Launcher icons Created a 192x192 SVG image...


Create a zip archive of repository Reference git archive --prefix=riboplot/ -o /tmp/ HEAD Undo changes Reference When changes have already been pushed to a remote, use git revert: git revert commit_id Otherwise, to undo the last...


I prefer to install Node packages in a local directory ~/Programs/node_modules rather than using the global (-g) option which installs packages system wide which I’m not too comfortable with. Yarn Package Manager To initialise a repository to use...

Python GTK+ 3

Tutorial Scale image automatically to fit parent widget Reference allocation = parent_widget.get_allocation() desired_width = allocation.width desired_height = allocation.height pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file('your_image.png') pixbuf =...


Creating a Zeal docset from Sphinx documentation Using the pysam project documentation as an example. Create a directory for project: mkdir ~/Workspace/zeal/pysam cd ~/Workspace/zeal/pysam Create virtualenv, install latest release of pysam and...


General programming notes. Adding documentation to Devhelp Adding PyGobject docs as an example: git clone ~/.local/share/devhelp/books To update docs: cd ~/.local/share/devhelp/books git pull

PySide 2

Documentation Tutorial: Data Visualization Tool Installation To create a virtual environment for PySide 2 projects: cd ~/.virtualenvs python3 -m venv pyside source pyside/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip...


Programs to Create Screencasts Record Desktop OBS Studio Simple Screen Recorder Record Terminal Sessions Asciinema Notes on Editing With Blender Output Format Dimensions HDTV 1080P or HDTV 720P Output File Format: FFmpeg video Container: MPEG-4...

BioVM 18.04

A new release of BioVM with updated software, Galaxy configuration, documentation and includes recommendations for installing new software.


Install Miniconda 3 on Linux Download the latest version of the Miniconda installer (Python 3) from Verify Download sha256sum Ensure output matches the SHA256 is...


From the perspective of a Git user Initialize a repository and create a default branch: hg init Status of a repository: hg status Meaning of the symbols displayed: ? file untracked. A file added for tracking/commit. M file modified. ! file...